Thursday, November 3, 2011

I still can't believe PMR is over.

As if it was only yesterday I stepped into the Form 3 block for the first time. Now I'm enjoying myself but worrying at the same time. I'm afraid of my results :|

I'm kinda worried of BM. Kertas 1 was terrible T_T even the A class people didn't do well (some of them probably aced with flying colours). I loved Kertas 2 so I hope hope hope that will cover up my bad in Kertas satu.

English was ok. If teacher's answers were correct, I got 40 for paper one. Paper 2 was splendid. The teachers kept predicting formal letter, recount, informal letter, report writing. So, when we entered the Bilik Peperiksaan, everyone was like, sweating and breathing heavily, but when we opened the booklet, it said,

"Write an essay for your choices."

Mati-matian kitorang ingat yang susah tahap gaban.

I could hear Nedu beside me sigh of relief. Aku pun apa lagi, dengan muka yang sangat happy, memulakan penulisan. I just hope the examiners will accept my essays :| Amin.

Agama was .......... errr........... 50% okay. I did a lot of mistakes, I think :| Now I just need to pray to Allah, asking Him to soften the examiners heart.

Geography was fantastic! :) I used to get C for geography since form one till form three. NO KIDDING. I even got C for the trials! But then, after the trials, I realized how easily everyone scored Geography (tak ke malu bila semua orang dapat A untuk matapelajaran tu and then tetiba kau dapat C? Aku faham :| Memang malu gila T_T ) so then I started to work my butt off. I did loads of exercises and found out, hey! Geography isn't that bad after all :) I got 55/60 on the real exam. Alhamdulillah. Now, I just have to pray that the machine doesn't make mistakes while marking my paper. And everyone I know.

Sejarah. SEJARAH. You have to know one thing about sejarah. It is on the same day as SCIENCE. It was on Thursday. Everybody called Thursday, Hari Klimaks. We were so scared on Thursday :( Sejarah and Science were NOT easy scores for most people. Including me. I usually get C's for the above. But I worked my butt off for Sejarah since January. So, well. It kinda worked out. Most people got A's for PMR. Alhamdulillah, I did too. Alhamdulillah. 53/60 and I couldn't ask for more! :)

Science? This. Is. The. Subject. That. I. Am. Most. Worried. About. Ya Allah, give patience to the examiner marking my paper. Ya Allah, I hope that the examiner accepts my answers which are super close to the exact answer. Ya Allah, I hope the graph goes down :( YA ALLAH, I HOPE THE GRAPH GOES DOWN.

Kemahiran Hidup? I took Perdagangan and Keusahawanan.
I don't even recall the real reason I got into PK anyway. But, boleh tahan lah. I hope the graph goes down too, AMIN.

Maths? Haha I love Maths <3 I used to fail Maths. Well, not really. Once, I got 50% for the Penggal 1B examination, and I consider that as FAILING. But then my mom sent me to tuition and I paid attention to teacher in class and I did lots of exercises, finally I scored A's during exams. Alhamdulillah. *ok I sound so ostentatious right now.


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