Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mek Donel . Mek Donel.

Adik sedara aku yang umur 4 tahun tu kena Chicken Pox. Habis muka dia :( Lepas tu, budak ni tak boleh makan benda-benda tumis and berminyak. So mak aku, selaku mak sedara dia, pergi lah beli McD.

Tapi, mak aku balik dengan Sundae Chocolate dengan Shake Shake Fries :D
Tapi semua adik aku conquer.
Tau tak dia bagi aku bende?

Aiskrim tu dia makan nak habis dah baru je bagi aku. T____T redha je la, jaja.

Shake Shake Fries tu nak tahu dia bagi aku berapa?

Muka habis tak redha langsung. Cube tengok tu, korang boleh KIRA dengan SATU TANGAN untuk tahu berapa batang Fries je dia bagi aku.

Dasar kedekut tahi hidung masin punya budak.
Hahah Jaja, jaga sikit bahasa tu. Kau tu dah lah perempuan, tengah makan pulak tu.
Eh tapi itu pepatah kan?
Pepatah kepala hotak kau, Jaja.

Ok lah, aku nak bedal Sundae ni sampai habis. Lepas tu aku nak hempuk adik aku sampai dia bagi aku fries lagi.

Bye :)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bibik aku rock T___T

Korang tau tak tadi, aku nak send text dekat Biela. So aku type lah nama dia.

Belum habis aku type B.I, dah ada nama yang keluar. So aku tekan la, sebab aku ingatkan nama Biela. Siapa lagi dalam contacts aku yang ada B.I.

Pastu, sebelum aku sempat tekan 'Send', nasib baik aku nampak yang sebenarnya aku tertekan nama 'BIBIK'. PERGH. Nasib baik sempat undo, kalau tak, Bibik aku tau rahsia aku! Oh no, no no no no.

Lepas tu, baru aku sedar yang nama Bibik ada atas nama Biela.

Takpe. Takpe. Nanti aku tukar nama diorang.
Oh yeah, tau tak. Bibik aku punya phone kan, punya lah canggih. Pelik bebenor aku. O.o Phone aku pun setakat Qwerty keypad je. Dia punya touchscreen! Nenek aku punya yang RM99 ringgit tu, dia punya heret jauhhhh sampai RM 700. Lagu dalam handphone aku 2/3 lagu English, lagu dalam dia punya phone.... SEMUA DANGDUT!

Macam mana aku tahu ni? Haaaaa. Sebab haritu, aku curi-curi tengok phone dia. SMS dia memang aku tak tengok, sebab bahasa Indon mana aku faham T_T
So aku bantai pergi tengok music dia.

Biar lah, dia guna duit dia jugak kan? Bukannya aku yang rugi.
Tapi yang aku tak tahan, kadang-kadang dia tu SMS 24/7 !
Pastu aku tengok, bila dia dapat mesej, senyum dia melereeeeet jauh! :D :D :D

Aku tak tahu kenapa aku cakap pasal ni. Aku tengah bosan sebenarnya. Biela punya SMS pun aku tak balas lagi.
Lantak ah, nak pergi tusyen ni.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

83 Days. 83 Freaking Days.

Only 83 days left till PMR. I sound like I'm making a huge deal out of this right, pfft yeah I am. Because everybody else seems so confident and I feel like trash :|

It feels like only yesterday I saw the '10 candidates showing their PMR slips (straight A's!) in photos they took after the result announcing.

Now I'm worrying. 2 months and a half left?
1001 things are crossing my mind now:

  • What if I can't answer the questions?
  • What if my calculator runs out of battery during the Maths Paper 1 set? (THIS, I NEED TO WORRY. Because my calculator hasn't run out of battery since the first time I used it. BACK IN FORM ONE. THREE YEARS AGO. Maybe I need to change it now? Just in case. Sediakan payung sebelum hujan. Perghhh Jaja ni. Berpepatah.)
  • What if I pass out during the exam?
  • What if I get sick?
  • What if I lose my eraser? :O
  • What if all of my pens run out of ink?
  • What if I lose my geometry set and I have nothing to use for the loci and polygon questions?
  • What if I get hysteria?
  • What if I suddenly can't remember anything?
  • What if I can't remember the square root of 69? (Mana ada jawapan....rilek)
  • What if I suddenly go to sleep?
  • What if I panic?
  • What if I can't remember my angka giliran?
  • What if I get the wrong set of paper?
  • What if I saw a ghost and blanked out?
  • What if...........
Pergi solat. Solat Fardhu, Solat Hajat, Solat Taubat, Solat Duha, Solat Terawih, Solat Jenazah, Solat Yang-Waktu-Malam-Tu (serious, lupa gila nama solat tu. teruk betul budak Form 3 ni)  PERGI SOLAT.

Ok. I almost zonked out, thinking of the possibilities that COULD happen during my PMR exam. And the thing that bugs me the most, MY CLASS HASN'T FINISHED THE SCIENCE SYLLABUS YET.

And get this. My school will hold TWO trials. One is the SMART trials and the other one is the Lembaga trials.
So basically, Smartians take two trials. Bestnyaaaaaaaaaa T___T Bahagiaaa.
Takpe takpe. At least we get more practice right? Doing it two times?
Redha je la, Jaja. Sacrifice semua benda. Just for three months kan?

83 Days. 83 Days. 83 Days.

  1. Ini merupakan muka seorang murid PMR yang cemerlang dan tidak sabar untuk mengambil peperiksaan itu.
Perhatian : Itu sekadar model sahaja. Dia tidak Cemerlang pun. (Dinamik ada lah.)

Haaaaaaaa. Ni barulah Jarzreen yang betul! Thumbs up tapi muke mintak penyepak!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Boredom strikes the Libras

Boredom is when you insert your name into Google Translate and select different types of language to see if your name means anything in them.
Boredom is when you read the manual to your handphone.
Boredom is when you stalk dozens of people on Facebook.
Boredom is when you fiddle around with your webcam and you come out with 


It's not our birthday, tho.
Our birthdays are in October. A week apart.
I was born on the 8th. Jarzrul was born on the 1st.

Bahaha, maybe this is why we're that close <3
Bakpe muke aku sengal gile ni T____T

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Grade 1 Theory Results

Ok, so dalam bulan March (ataupun May. Lupa dah.) aku ambik exam Theory. Baru Grade 1 -.- Teruk en?
Well, aku baru je dapat resultnya.


Ok, Jaja, jangan selok sangat. Nanti orang menyampah.

Aku dapat 94%.
Entah apa salah aku sampai kena potong 6 markah. Tapi ok la kan?
Tapi aku stop piano sampai habis PMR :( Pergh, baru je nak masuk Grade 3.

Alah biarlah. School comes first, doesn't it?