Sunday, March 6, 2011

Busy busy bee.

So today I had to cancel my sleep-in Sunday because of the retarded St John examination. But I wasn't the only one. My sister had to do it too. So before we went to our respective schools (thank God she doesn't go to my school or else I'm dead meat. she'll spill all my secrets!) we went to McD for breakfast.
Then I met up with Najwa, Najihah, Thira and Joyce. Thira and Joyce were already certified St Johners but Najwa, Najihah and I weren't. So we were seperated. Ah. Then we took the theory test, WHICH WAS HARD LIKE WTF. But our supervisor was cool! And he was only 17 :> *I looked that up on his St John member card hihihi. kinda cute maybe. K, Jaja, shut up, Jaja.
K so, then we had to do the practical exam, which was twice as hard as the theory exam. Our supervisor kept saying, "Salah, wrong, do that again, you're doing it wrong, try do that again."
And I was like ; " WHAT? DUDE! I'm panicking over here! I want to go home!"
But duhh, surely I didn't say that, or else he had given me an F. So blah blah blah.
And I just hope I'll pass :)

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