Saturday, March 19, 2011

A story about my three cute cousins.

The first grandchild and the last grandchild.
Jarzreen Jaffri and Adam Farel Arzlan

*Wei, bangga aku jadi cucu pertama.

This is Adam
Pronounced : Atam , Adumm, Ahdam, DamDam

He was born on 17 January 2011 (I think.) And he's the youngest child of my Uncle Lan and Auntie Aifa. He has two older sisters, Puteri Ardina Shafiyah and Puteri Arlysha Shafiyah. Kakak-kakak dia ada Puteri, Adam takde Megat pun :O

Dina is the eldest and she's only 8 years old. She's a superb sister and the way she takes care of Adam, WOAH. DUDE. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE 8. Bapak careful. And MY mom keeps going on and on and on and on about Dina being a wonderful eldest sister and she's smart and careful and nice and quiet. Don't get me wrong, I love Ardina. And yes, she's smart, careful and everything that I've said. You won't believe that she's 8 if you saw her. Her maths. HER MATHS. HER MATHEMATICS OHMYGOD.
Even I fail to beat her -.-

Pronounced : Lysha, Lysho, Tito, Chicho
(Sumpah aku pun tak tahu macam mana boleh sampai situ.)

Oh Arlysha.
A very different story.

Budak yang gigit puting botol susu tu eh, bukan gajah di sebelahnya.
Adorable right?

Adorable. But very very hyperactive.
You know, she was the one who came up with ATAM.
She's jealous of her brother.

Arlysha's way of hurting her brother ;
  1. Hit his head with two metal spoons
  2. Coo "Aaaadammmm." and then grab his cheek and pinch it
  3. Pull his brother's small tiny feet
  4. Pull Adam's hair
  5. Slap Adam
  6. Bite his hand
  7. And 1000 other ways I don't bother to write.
And after all those things above, Adam is okay :)
Adam. Hold on. Lysha is going to come to her senses one day.

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